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Veterans’ Assisted Living Bill Advances in the U.S. House of Representatives

As noted previously, the National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL), along with other organizations advocating for older adults, collectively sent a coalition letter last week to the U.S. House VA Committee Chair, Ranking Member, and House Leadership. The letter encouraged support during this lame-duck session for the advancement of H.R. 8371, the Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Improvement Act. This comprehensive bill includes a scaled-back version of H.R. 1815, the Expanding Veterans’ Options for Long Term Care Act. 

This legislation, which NCAL endorses, creates a pilot program for eligible veterans to receive assisted living care paid for by the VA. NCAL has previously advocated for H.R. 1815 during past AHCA/NCAL Congressional Briefing fly-in events. 
​The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 8371 on November 18, 2024, and it now heads to the U.S. Senate for consideration. NCAL will continue to keep its membership apprised of any potential developments. ​​​
Posted in Assisted Living
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