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Statewide Background Check Processing Resumes

As of November 18th, the background check processing system is back online and fully functional. In response, BCCU intends to resume processing background checks utilizing this data, beginning that morning.

BCCU staff have successfully cleared the entire backlog of checks. However, there are still several outstanding background checks that could not be processed without further review using the restored system.

To ensure completeness, BCCU will re-run all background checks submitted since November 1st through December 6th.  This re-run process will take approximately one week for staff to complete.  BCS users can expect to see “Updated” result letters in the Background Check System (BCS) on or after December 13th, should there be any changes to the preliminary background check results. Notification of the updated result(s) will be sent via email and through the alert center in BCS.

To clarify:

-December 6th BCCU will re-run all background checks to include background check data. This re-run will take approximately one week to complete.

Any changes identified during this process will be reflected in “Updated” result letters available in BCS on or after December 13th.

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