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  • LEAD

    Assisted Living Executive Training Program

    Live Webinar Series
    October 14-22


    Are you an Assisted Living administrator, or hoping to become one? Learn to excel in your duties and achieve success in your career from experts at the LEAD Executive Training program. This intensive virtual workshop will help administrators at any level of experience to become stronger leaders.

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    Check out our new Residents’ Rights resource page, including a poster you can download, print, and display in your facility. Plus, register for our webinar series to gain powerful insights. Join us October 31 for the next in the series: New Laws regarding Visitation and Access to Residents.

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  • Survey on Surveys
    Survey on Surveys


    Attention, WHCA Members: Did you have a recent Assisted Living inspection, SNF survey, or complaint investigation? We want to hear from you!

    Please complete a short survey to provide us feedback on how it went and any concerns you may have, so that we can better serve you and help you prepare for future surveys and inspections.

    Take the Survey

    Survey on Surveys

    Promoting quality care and services by partnering with our members and stakeholders.

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    The Washington Health Care Association (WHCA) is a statewide non-profit organization representing over 400 assisted living and skilled nursing facilities.

    WHCA’s mission is to promote quality long term and post acute health care and services, while serving as an advocate for providers, staff, and the patients and residents for whom they provide care. Association members provide health and personal care, social support and housing to 25,000 frail, elderly, or disabled Washingtonians each day. About 25,000 employees work for member facilities.

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    Through its leadership and engagement with federal and state quality improvement initiatives, WHCA and its members are committed to healthy, affordable, and ethical long-term care.

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    Events & Education

    Keep up with our upcoming webinars, education seminars, meetings, and gatherings through our calendar. WHCA keeps the calendar full with informative events throughout the year.

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