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Provider Benefits

Provider Benefits

WHCA invites assisted living and skilled nursing facilities in Washington to join as provider members.

Membership benefits are at the organization level, which means every member of your facility’s team is eligible to receive certain benefits directly. This includes access to the member directory, member pricing for educational offerings and events, newsletter subscriptions, and more. We strongly encourage you to invite each member of your team to sign up for our member portal. This quick start guide can help you and your team learn more about setting up your profile and managing your organization in the portal.

Benefits for your facility include:

Regulatory Support

WHCA provides expert regulatory consultation and support to provider members in assisted living and skilled nursing facilities statewide. Our regulatory team assists members with navigating surveys and inspections, advocates on behalf of facilities with state regulatory agencies, and supports members’ efforts to provide quality care.

WHCA’s regulatory team works directly with policymakers and state agencies such as DSHS, RCS, and DOH to identify barriers our members face and support solutions to address issues. Our team has worked diligently for decades to build and maintain strong relationships with government agencies, which allow WHCA rapid access and the ability to engage quickly as needs arise. We cooperate and collaborate with key agency representatives, regulators, and decision makers, and connect them directly to provider members at in-person and virtual events.

Education Opportunities

WHCA provides virtual and in-person educational offerings throughout the year. Many of our offerings are certified by DSHS for assisted living continuing education and DOH for skilled nursing continuing education. Members enjoy discounted pricing for webinars, virtual workshops, and in-person events.

Key Education Events

WHCA hosts two multi-day, in-person education and networking events each year. The Annual Convention is typically held in May and on the west side of the state. This special event is where we honor provider members with the annual Excellence in Service Awards. Fall Conference is typically held in September each year, on the east side of the state. Fall Conference is held jointly with our friends at Idaho Health Care Association (IHCA), as many of our provider members have facilities in both states and many of our Associate Business members serve facilities across the region.

Every winter, WHCA also holds the Virtual Winter Symposium. This multi-day, fully online event allows providers to earn CEUs and learn from expert presenters, from the comfort of their home or office.

Live Webinars & Workshops

Throughout the year, WHCA provides live webinars and workshops on a variety of topics. Our signature workshop series include LEAD Executive Training Program for Assisted Living providers, Assisted Living Care Academy, and Survey Bootcamp. Many of our webinars and workshops offer CEUs, and members enjoy discounted pricing.

Self-Paced Learning

WHCA’s Learning Hub has self-paced learning courses for administrators, nurses, and caregivers at long-term care facilities. These comprehensive courses allow providers to gain the skills and knowledge they need to provide higher quality care, on their own schedule. Popular courses include Medication Assistance, and SNF Regulatory Training. WHCA launched the Learning Hub in 2024 and is actively working to add fresh, relevant content for members.


WHCA partners with ReadyCNA so skilled nursing and assisted living facilities can offer a unique nursing assistant training program.  This program, which features an interactive online theory portion of the nursing assistant training, prepares new caregivers for the realities of the nursing assistant role, helping them to develop empathy and compassion by going beyond technical skills to address the emotional and interpersonal challenges of the job.  This engaging program is approved by the Washington State Board of Nursing.


WHCA’s government relations team is in constant communication with our members about legislative policy and grassroots efforts that impact long-term care facilities. Our team builds grassroots support through member engagement, helps elevate our members’ voices with legislators and decision makers, and informs public opinion about long-term care issues.

Group Retro (GRRP)

As a member of WHCA, long-term care facilities gain access to special group benefits, discounts, and opportunities.

WHCA Group Retro (GRRP) provides cost-effective group coverage for workers’ compensation claims for skilled nursing facilities and assisted living facilities. Member benefits include:

  • Professional third-party claims administration through ERNWest
  • Loss prevention program
  • On-site safety education offering CEUs

Group Purchasing

As a member of WHCA, long-term care facilities gain access to special group benefits, discounts, and opportunities.

WHCA partners with Incite to bring competitive pricing for dining options, medical supplies and services, housekeeping supplies, and more to our members. Incite’s group purchasing program helps our members to strengthen their bottom line while delivering high quality care to their residents.

Newsletters & Updates

WHCA publishes several newsletters to help members stay informed about critical issues impacting long-term care in Washington.

LTC Connections

Our signature publication, LTC Connections is a weekly digest of specially curated timely updates from WHCA, our partners and affiliates, and state and federal agencies. This newsletter covers broad topics such as regulatory updates, legislative work, urgent health alerts, tools and resources, and upcoming events. If you only have time to read one email all week, make it LTC Connections!

Survey & Regulatory Update

Published monthly, Survey & Regulatory Update is a members-only publication written by Elena Madrid, EVP of Regulatory Affairs and Education, and Vicki McNealley, Director of Assisted Living. Topics range from information about surveys and inspections to staffing and medications challenges.

Advocacy Exchange

Each issue of this monthly newsletter gives providers an opportunity to take action, learn something new, and connect with their peers. Member engagement is key to our grassroots advocacy efforts, and Advocacy Exchange is the best way to keep your finger on the pulse.

Capitol Update

Each year during the state legislative session, WHCA publishes a weekly round-up of news that impacts long-term care in Washington. Capitol Update provides detailed insight from CEO Carma Matti-Jackson and EVP of Government Relations Lauri St. Ours, as well as other partners and key stakeholders that support our work.

CMP Grant Support

Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) grants come from monetary penalties imposed by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) against skilled nursing facilities. A portion of these penalty funds are reinvested to support skilled living facilities through grants that seek to improve quality of care or quality of life of residents. All Medicare and/or Medicaid certified SNFs in Washington are eligible to participate in the CMP grant-funded projects.

WHCA members enjoy hands-on support in identifying opportunities and applying for CMP grants.

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Recognition and Support

WHCA is dedicated to our incredible members, and recognize the hard work they do every day. We honor and support that work in several ways, including:

Excellence in Service Awards

Each year at Annual Convention, WHCA honors individuals at member facilities for their outstanding dedication to long-term care. Candidates for these awards are nominated by our members, and chosen for the powerful impact they make through their work every day. Winners are selected for both assisted living and skilled nursing facilities in the following categories: Nurse of the Year, Noble Caregiver of the Year, Red Carpet Quality Award, and Administrator of the Year.

Washington Foundation for Long-Term Care Scholarships

The WA Foundation for Long-Term Care (WFLTC) provides scholarships to individuals working at member facilities who seek to expand their long-term care career through education and training. Each year, WFLTC provides thousands of dollars in scholarships to deserving caregivers and nurses so they can attend school, level up their credentials, and continue the important work they do for years to come.

The Dreams Project

WFLTC also funds The Dreams Project, which helps front-line staff and caregivers at member facilities with life-changing gifts. Previous recipients have been able to get necessary dental work that was not covered by insurance, assistance with transportation and childcare, and funding to support travel to see loved ones or get a well-earned getaway.

National Affiliate Benefits


Members of WHCA automatically receive benefits from our national affiliates, American Health Care Association and the National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL). This includes access to online training, tools, and resources like the LTC Trend Tracker.

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WHCA is a state partner of Argentum. Assisted living provider members who also choose to maintain membership in Argentum may gain access to additional perks, discounts, and benefits. All assisted living members benefit from WHCA’s active engagement with Argentum in advocating for assisted living facilities on a national scale.

Affiliate Business Services

WHCA provider members can search the directory of Associate Business members in the Member Portal. Our AB members provide crucial services and support to long-term care facilities in Washington. Providers can browse the directory by the type of service they need, and quickly find contact and company information.

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