WHCA invites businesses that provide services to assisted living and skilled nursing facilities in Washington to join as Associate Business members.
Membership benefits are at the organization level, which means every member of your business’s team is eligible to receive certain benefits directly. This includes access to the member directory, member pricing for events, newsletter subscriptions, and more. We strongly encourage you to invite each member of your team to sign up for our member portal. This quick start guide can help you and your team learn more about setting up your profile and managing your organization in the portal.
Benefits for your business include:
Member PortalWHCA’s member portal is your one-stop shop for connecting with the long-term care facilities in need of your business services.
Manage Business Listing
WHCA’s provider members use the AB directory in the member portal to search for services their business needs. As a WHCA member, you have the power to manage your profile and drive more providers to your business.
Manage Personal Profile
As an AB member, each individual of your team has a personal profile on the member portal to help build and strengthen direct connections with our long-term care provider members. Upload headshots, keep contact information up-to-date, and make it easy for providers to get in touch.
Access Provider Directories
In the member portal, you can access our directories of assisted living and skilled nursing providers throughout the state. Search by name, facility type, or by individual team members.
WHCA provides in-person events and networking opportunities several times per year, as well as virtual events where AB members can connect with providers. AB members enjoy reduced pricing to exhibit at our in-person events.
Key Networking Events
WHCA hosts two multi-day, in-person education and networking events each year. The Annual Convention is typically held in May and on the west side of the state. This special event is where we honor provider members with the annual Excellence in Service Awards. Fall Conference is typically held in September each year, on the east side of the state. Fall Conference is held jointly with our friends at Idaho Health Care Association (IHCA), as many of our provider members have facilities in both states and many of our Associate Business members serve facilities across the region. Both events include multiple networking activities, such as receptions and fun nights. AB members are also invited to submit proposals to present educational sessions at these events.
Trade Shows
Both the Annual Convention and Fall Conference also include trade shows, where AB members can connect directly with administrators, decision makers, and staff from long-term care providers throughout the state. AB members enjoy reduced prices for exhibit tables, and exhibitors receive an attendee list so they can reach out to set up meetings with providers at the event. Those who choose to purchase a Membership Package, which includes member dues, exhibit tables, and sponsorships, receive even deeper discounts and additional exclusive benefits.
Live Webinars & Workshops
Throughout the year, WHCA provides live webinars and workshops on a variety of topics. AB members can submit proposals to present valuable webinars or workshops, or to speak at the Virtual Winter Symposium. Additionally, sponsors for key virtual events are invited to address attendees directly at their respective session.
WHCA’s events are made possible through the generous support of our sponsors. Sponsoring an event is a fantastic way to gain high visibility for your business with our provider members, while supporting their efforts to grow in their careers.
Sponsorships start at just $500 and come with a variety of valuable benefits, which generally include logo recognition and invitations to connect with provider attendees. Certain sponsorship opportunities are exclusive to AB members who purchase membership packages. For additional sponsorship opportunities, click here or contact Angela Ewing at [email protected] for more information.
WHCA publishes several newsletters to help members stay informed about critical issues impacting long-term care in Washington.
LTC Connections
Our signature publication, LTC Connections is a weekly digest of specially curated timely updates from WHCA, our partners and affiliates, and state and federal agencies. This newsletter covers broad topics such as regulatory updates, legislative work, urgent health alerts, tools and resources, and upcoming events – things you may need to know to provide timely services to the long-term care facilities in your client list. If you only have time to read one email all week, make it LTC Connections!
Advocacy Exchange
Each issue of this monthly newsletter gives providers an opportunity to take action, learn something new, and connect with their peers. Member engagement is key to our grassroots advocacy efforts, and Advocacy Exchange is the best way to keep your finger on the pulse.
Capitol Update
Each year during the state legislative session, WHCA publishes a weekly round-up of news that impacts long-term care in Washington. Capitol Update provides detailed insight from CEO Carma Matti-Jackson and EVP of Government Relations Lauri St. Ours, as well as other partners and key stakeholders that support our work.