The Washington Foundation for Long Term Care (WFLTC) is a non-profit organization making personal and professional dreams a reality for the dedicated staff who provide direct care and services to Washington residents in long-term care.
Contact [email protected] for more information about how you can support WLFTC.
The Washington Foundation for Long Term Care (WFLTC) accepts applications every February for Foundation Scholarships. The intent of these awards is to assist staff employed in WHCA member assisted living communities, enhanced services facilities and skilled nursing centers in pursuing or furthering a formal education to enhance the quality of care in member facilities. The Scholarship award is open to all departments. The area of study must be related to any career path in long term care. The amount awarded is dependent upon the number of applications received, financial need, and the resources of WFLTC. Learn more.
The Dreams Project
The Washington Foundation for Long Term Care is excited to announce the reimplementation of “The Dreams Project.” The goal of the project is to make dreams a reality for the caregivers in WHCA member assisted living communities, enhanced nursing facilities and skilled nursing centers.
Dream Project awards can be small (dinner out with family/spouse, grocery gift card), elaborate (vacation or travel to meet a new grandchild, school clothes for kids), or to improve the quality of a caregiver’s life (car repairs, daycare expenses, one month rent/mortgage, gas card, laptop, eye exam/glasses, utility or cell phone bill, dental work or medical expenses).
Dream Project awards may include:
- Grocery gift card
- Dinner out with family/spouse
- Travel to meet a new grandchild or visit an aging or ill loved one
- School clothes for the kids
- Car repairs, oil change, gas cards
- Daycare expenses
- One month rent/mortgage
- Laptop or replace an outdated cellphone
- One-time coverage for utilities, cell phone bils.
- Reliable transportation (new used car)
- Dental work, eye exam/glasses, hearing exam/hearing device, or other medical expenses not covered by insurance.
How You Can Help
Tributes — A unique, personal, and caring gift to honor a friend, family member, or colleague for special occasions such as holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, graduation, and more.
Memorials — Celebrate the memory of a special person who has passed away. When you make a tribute or memorial gift, the Washington Foundation for Long Term Care will send an acknowledgement to your honoree informing them of your kindness and generosity. The acknowledgement will be sent to anyone you specify and the amount of your gift will not be mentioned.
Donations — Consider a general contribution to help WFLTC continue granting the Dreams Project Awards and Foundation Scholarships to deserving applicants.
Wills and Other Planned Giving — Allows you to combine your charitable giving goals with your estate and financial planning needs, and may include annuities, trusts, and bequests. All planned gifts, large and small, help to further the goals of the Foundation.