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Telehealth Waivers for Prescribing Controlled Medications Extended Through 2025

In a welcome announcement, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), in collaboration with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has issued a third extension of telemedicine flexibilities for prescribing controlled medications. This extension, enacted through a Temporary Rule, is effective through December 31, 2025. It follows a vigorous campaign led by AHCA/NCAL, alongside 330 provider and consumer advocacy organizations. Efforts included submitting letters to the White House and Congressional leadership, urging action before year-end to preserve telehealth flexibilities for virtual prescribing related to mental health services.  

What was at stake?  
For AHCA/NCAL and the residents they represent, this issue centers on safeguarding access to high-quality mental health care for some of the most vulnerable individuals. Without this extension, access to critical services—especially for those living in rural and underserved areas—would have been at serious risk. These flexibilities, previously extended through December 31, 2024, have been a lifeline, ensuring uninterrupted access to mental health care, substance use treatment, end-of-life care, and other essential services for countless individuals nationwide.  
What is next?  
This one-year extension provides the DEA and HHS time to establish a permanent rule under the Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008. The act requires these agencies to develop regulations permitting practitioners to prescribe certain controlled medications via telehealth through a special registration pathway. AHCA/NCAL will continue advocating for a final regulation that ensures permanent telehealth prescribing access for this patient population.  
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