WHCA Board of Directors Call for Nominations Opens April 3

Is this your call to service?
The WHCA Board of Directors is elected by members to lead the association’s work on behalf of members. If you are a WHCA member in good standing and have an interest in this important leadership role, please look for the WHCA Call for Nominations in next week’s issue of LTC Connections, which will provide greater detail about current Board openings.
The WHCA Board meets at least 6 times annually, including a summer strategic planning session, and during the WHCA Annual Convention and Fall Conference. The WHCA bylaws detail the Board composition. Applications will open on April 3; the deadline for nominations is April 17. These positions are currently open; terms for each position are for two years from May 2024-2026.
- Independent Assisted Living
- Multi-Assisted Living
- Independent Skilled Nursing
- Multi Skilled Nursing
- Representative-at-Large (2 positions)
- Associate Business Governor