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WHCA Members Share Expertise and Experience with DSHS and Governor’s Office Staff

Earlier this month, WHCA EVP for Government Relations and Communications Lauri St. Ours hosted tours of Olympia-area assisted living and skilled nursing facilities for Medicaid payment experts from DSHS and the Governor’s Office of Financial Management. WHCA members shared their expertise to help these key fiscal experts understand current labor challenges, the need to ensure Medicaid rates keep pace with actual costs, and the impacts of recent policy and budget decisions on resident care, quality of life, and costs.
Special thanks to the teams who shared their experience, expertise, and perspectives:
  • Parkside Assisted Living (Noble Healthcare)
  • Puyallup Valley Enhanced Adult Residential Care (Jerry Pratt)
  • Easthaven Villa Assisted Living (Caring Places Management)
  • Park Rose Care Center (Regency Pacific)
  • Olympia Transitional Care (Ensign Healthcare)
  • Puget Sound Healthcare (Caldera Care)
These tours with agency staff were just a precursor; additional focused work is necessary to ensure policymakers understand our members’ services and the need for investments in the workforce and quality care. The primary election is just weeks away—and November’s general election will bring sweeping change. Washington will have a new Governor, and many new legislators with little knowledge of long-term care will be tasked with making important decisions affecting you and your residents.
That’s where WHCA members can make a big difference. If you have passion for your work, and a desire to safeguard and improve the future of long-term care, consider working with the WHCA team to invite key officials to tour your care center this fall. Please reach out to Eric Negomir to learn more. There is much at stake as our population ages and demand intensifies for skilled nursing and assisted living services. Together we can – and must – help legislators understand the impact of their work.
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