Tacoma-Pierce County Health Dept. Updates for LTC Providers

Stay up to date with vaccines
Get vaccinated against flu, RSV and COVID-19:
- Protect against flu, RSV, and COVID-19 flyer.
- COVID-19, flu, RSV, Pneumococcal Vaccination reminder.
Vaccine access
Need a pharmacy for your long-term care facility? Contact [email protected] for referrals to pharmacies that offer multiple services, like vaccinating your clients and staff.
Check out their webpage for vaccine resources for the uninsured or under-insured.
Other resources
- 2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccine Long-Term Care Flyer.
- Long-Term Care Immunization Toolkit has information on COVID-19, flu, shingles, and more.
Vaccines translations
Immunize.org has materials about vaccines in many languages for healthcare providers and anyone who wants to stay informed. The website is easy to use and has a variety of materials to check out.
Vaccine Information Statements from CDC:
Keep safe with infection control measures
Have a process for everyone entering the facility. Screen everyone for:
- Symptoms of COVID-19.
- Positive tests.
- Close contact with infected people (for visitors and patients).
- A higher-risk exposure (for health care providers).
Post visual alerts and signs, and provide instructions for appointments. Keep the visuals and signs up to date with current recommendations.
Be familiar with detailed guidance documents for outbreak response in LTC settings:
- Adult Family Homes.
- Standard Precautions – Adult Family Homes.
- Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living.
- DOH SARS-CoV-2 Infection Prevention and Control in Healthcare Settings Toolkit.
- CDC COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations.
Test to protect
Contact [email protected] when:
- You need to restock COVID-19 test kits.
- You need mobile COVID-19 testing at your facility.
Respiratory protection program
DOH Healthcare-Associated Infections/Antibiotic Resistance HAI/AR Occupational Health team offers 3 types of support:
- 3M online medical evaluation.
- Fit tester training.
- Support for respiratory protection rules and regulations.
- You can receive consultation support for respiratory protection needs until June 30, 2024.
- You can find out how to do your own fit testing by visiting DOH website.
Consultation support
If you’re a long-term care facility in need of Respirator Fit Tester Training, visit Fit Testing Training for dates and times.
For help with the requirements for your respiratory protection program, check out these DOH webinars:
- Respirator Program Template and N95 User Training Review Class.
- How to navigate the 3M Online Medical Evaluation System.
- DOH HAI/AR Occupational Health Team Office Hours.
DSHS case worker
If you are unsure of who your assigned Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Case Worker is, contact the DSHS Home & Community Services Department at (253) 476-7200.
LTC facility placement
AIDA (Artificial Intelligence Discharge Agent) automates the connection between hospitals, nursing homes, rehab centers, and AFHs/long-term care providers.
If you need assistance filling empty beds or finding suitable placements, the AIDA website is a valuable resource. To access AIDA, each user must complete registration. Go to their Self-Registration Guide to start the process.