DOH Support for 3M Online Medical Evaluations Ends This Month.
Access to your DOH sponsored 3M account will stop on December 30, 2023. Please update your account now by archiving the employees that have left and enter in your new employees. Encourage your employees to complete their medical evaluation before December 30th if they are new or due to renew this month or early next month. The deadline will not be extended.
Starting January 2, 2024, DOH will no longer be paying for your 3M online medical evaluations. You will be required to prepay for the medical evaluations that can be used anytime in the future.
Initial or annual fit testing for non-skilled nursing facilities is no longer being supported by the DOH Occupational Health team. Visit the DOH website to learn more about how to do your own fit testing.
The DOH HAI/AR Occupational Health team will continue to provide consultation support for your respiratory protection needs through June 30, 2024.
Consultation support:
To assist facilities with the requirements for their respiratory protection program, the following webinars are available:
- Every Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. – Respirator Program Template and N95 User Training Review Class
- Every Friday at 10:00 a.m. – How to navigate the 3M Online Medical Evaluation System
- The first Wednesday of the month at noon – DOH HAI/AR Occupational Health Team Office Hours
- The third Wednesday of the month at noon – DOH HAI/AR Occupational Health Team Lunch & Learn
Respirator Fit Tester Training for Long Term Care Facilities – Visit the DOH fit testing training website for dates and times.