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NWHRN Offers Upcoming Emergency Exercise

The Northwest Healthcare Response Network (NWHRN) would like to remind you about an upcoming emergency exercise scheduled for Friday, November 3rd at 9:00am, and they kindly encourage you to consider registering if you have not already done so. A list of current participants is available here.

By actively participating in this exercise, healthcare organizations like yours play a pivotal role in helping test NWHRN’s ability to reach partners swiftly and effectively during times of crises. This exercise is an excellent opportunity to enhance our collaborative response and ultimately improve our emergency preparedness.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Register for the exercise.
  • Provide accurate information about your preferred method to receive the alert.
  • Acknowledge the WATrac alert and/or respond to the Flash Report email.
  • Text specific information to a designated phone number. The information and phone number will be revealed on the day of the exercise.

Stay tuned for more updates!

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