WA State Nursing Clinical Placement Initiative

The Washington Center of Nursing is excited to invite you to participate in the next phase in finding clinical placement solutions for Washington State.
The Washington State Nursing Clinical Placement Proviso was funded by the Washington State Legislature to facilitate communication between nursing education programs and health care facilities that offer clinical placements for the purpose of increasing clinical education and practice experiences for nursing students.
The primary goals of this new initiative include:
- Gathering data to assess current clinical placement practices.
- Convene and facilitate quarterly stakeholder meetings to facilitate regional discussions regarding clinical placement barriers, the number, and types of clinical placement opportunities available and needed and to develop strategies, policy options and recommendations.
- Provide a digital message board and communication platform for clinical placement needs and opportunities.
All nursing education programs, all health care employers with current or potential clinical placements and other stakeholders are invited to participate. Your involvement is crucial to the success of this initiative.
Participation will include:
- Data collection including current placement practices, opportunities and needs along with a follow-up survey in year 2.
- Participation on a digital message board and communication platform to increase communication about clinical placement needs and opportunities along with an evaluation of the platform.
- The opportunity to participate in regional and statewide stakeholder meetings to determine clinical placement barriers, develop strategies to resolve clinical placement barriers and to identify other policy options and recommendations to help increase the number of clinical placement opportunities. These meetings will be facilitated online each quarter and in-person once a year.
- Connecting key contact representatives within their organization to participate and suggest additional stakeholders.