Quarter 4 Case Mix Report Update

The Quarter 4 ’23 Revised Preliminary (Case Mix Index Detail) CMID report will be generated during the week of 03/18/2024. The Q4 ’23 Revised Prelim CMID Report will include MDS assessments from 10/01/2023 to 03/14/2024 that have been transmitted to CMS/QIES by 03/18/2024.
The Department is providing additional case mix detail for Q4 preliminary MDS data. We recommend providers review these revised reports to ensure all revised MDSs are included in the data set along with conducting a more detailed view of case mix scores by PDPM component.
Providers must transmit modifications or corrections to assessments by end of business day on Wednesday, March 14, 2024. DSHS anticipates that these changes will then be available for inclusion in future CMID Reports. If you have questions, please contact the [email protected].