AHCA/NCAL Provides More Regulatory Resources for LTC Providers in 2024

In 2024, the AHCA/NCAL Regulatory and Clinical Team is providing long term care (LTC) providers with recently published resources. These resources were prepared with AHCA/NCAL members in mind and included member feedback in their creation. The Association aims to support providers and ensure they have the tools to stay compliant with various regulatory requirements.
§483.12 Freedom from Abuse, Neglect, and Misappropriation:
Abuse Tip Sheets: The abuse tip sheets were added to the previously released abuse, neglect, and misappropriation webinar that was released in 2023. The tip sheets were prepared after reviewing recent citations for each of the F-tags related to abuse. Each tip can be implemented in facilities to work towards regulatory compliance in these areas:
- F602 – F605
- F606
- F607
- F609
- F610
§483.24 Quality of Life:
Tips for Meeting the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Requirements in Skilled Nursing Facilities: The CPR Tip Sheet was prepared after reviewing recent citations for F678. Each tip reviewed may be implemented in facilities to work towards regulatory compliance and ensure workforce readiness in the event of a cardiac emergency.
§483.80 Infection Control:
The following tip sheets were developed as part of the LTC National Infection Prevention Forum (NIPF) and are available for AHCA/NCAL members. The NIPF reviewed citations related to infection prevention and noticed trends in certain areas. Tip sheets were developed to assist facilities with regulatory compliance in these areas:
- Tips for Meeting the Infection Preventionist Requirements in Skilled Nursing and LTC
- Tips for Meeting the Immunization Requirements in Skilled Nursing and LTC
- Tips for Meeting the Linen Requirements in Skilled Nursing Facilities
- NHSN Tip Sheet: This resource was updated to include tips to ensure timely and accurate reporting of data to NHSN, avoiding citations under F884 and subsequent civil money penalties.
Please send any questions to [email protected].
Posted in Skilled Nursing Facilities