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CDC Releases New Respiratory Virus Guidance for Community Based Settings

On 03/01/2024, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released changes regarding the Respiratory Virus Guidance. WHCA has reached out to both Residential Care Services (RCS) and the Department of Health (DOH) regarding the implementation of these changes for assisted living facilities and enhanced services facilities. At this point, we are being told the “DOH continues to review the update.” A decision whether the DOH will adopt these changes for our home and community-based settings is yet to be announced. However, DOH and RCS do concur with the following interpretation:


Prior to 03/01/2024, Community programs such as assisted living and enhanced services facilities followed CDC COVID-19 Community Guidance. The CDC Community Guidance links have been archived. RCS community setting regulators have been instructed to continue “business as usual” regulation until further clarification can be obtained from DOH. RCS is seeking DOH clarification specific to community settings regarding COVID-19 isolation, COVID-19 exposure guidance, and COVID-19 testing guidance.


In the interim, assisted living and enhanced services facilities should continue to follow CDC guidance found in:


Providers do have option of Informal Dispute Resolution (IDR) regarding infection prevention and control citations. We encourage providers to use this avenue as needed. WHCA has also requested that DOH hold an educational webinar for providers regarding this topic. We will keep our members informed of any new developments/information as it becomes available. If you have any questions, please reach out to Vicki McNealley at WHCA.

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