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Don’t Miss NCAL Day: A Day Filled with Power-Packed Speakers and Education

At the heart of any assisted living organization are dedicated individuals who give their all every single day. Celebrate the devoted workforce and gain insightful ways to keep them motivated at NCAL Day, which kicks off Delivering Solutions 24, the AHCA/NCAL Convention & Expo on Sunday, October 6 in Orlando, FL.

Join us for our two exceptional keynote speakers, Jerald Cosey and Maja Kazazic, and stay for the extraordinary educational sessions.
  • Opening Keynote, Jerald Cosey, a senior health care leader, consultant, and executive coach will engage you in Becoming a Five S.T.A.R. Leader: The Journey to Excellence in Senior Living. 
  • Luncheon keynote, Maja Kazazic, a Bosnian War genocide survivor, certified empathy coach, and below-knee amputee, will engage you through sharing A Mile in My Shoes: The Power of Empathy. 
Following the six breakout sessions focused on a variety of topics, NCAL Day will conclude with a Fireside Chat where you will learn from NCAL leadership what the future of assisted living looks like and the resources you need to succeed in an ever-changing environment.
Leave NCAL Day feeling re-inspired, re-engaged, and re-invigorated. Take back tangible information to your communities and colleagues that you can implement and apply to your quality efforts and improved outcomes processes.
Don’t miss out! Register today.

Posted in Assisted Living
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