Announcing the Spring 2024 Nursing Home, Assisted Living, and Enhanced Services Facility Forum

WHCA, DSHS, and LeadingAge would like to invite you to participate in Aging and Long-Term Care Support Administration, Division of Residential Care Services Spring 2024 NH, ALF, and ESF Forum next month. This is an opportunity to meet your Field Managers and Regional Administrators, discuss important topics of provider interest, hear regulatory updates, receive education, and learn opportunities for quality improvement. Most importantly, you have the chance to come together and strengthen communication and understanding of the shared mission and partnership of quality care and service delivery in NH, ALF, and ESF for our most vulnerable clients and residents.
We are pleased to partner with DSHS and LeadingAge of Washington to bring these forums to you live, in person as well as virtual. There is a morning forum for NH providers and an afternoon forum for ALF and ESF providers. Educational themes are 1) discharge and transfer case studies and 2) provider vision for future forums. (We want to hear your ideas.) CE approval is being sought for ESF and ALF facility staff that are required to meet the CE requirements under WAC 388-112A. All registered attendees will be able to obtain a certificate of completion.
Registration is free and now open to all NH, ALF, and ESF providers. We hope you will join us!
5/2/24 – 9:00 a.m. to 12 N (break provided)
5/2/24 – 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (break provided)
Location: Spokane Trent Community Services Office / DSHS
8517 E. Trent, Spokane Valley, WA 99212
(Signage and RCS staff will be at the state office entrance to guide you to the location of the conference room on the second floor. Parking is free. You can attend in person or virtual. Select your registration below.)
Registration Links:
Live, In Person Attendance
NH: Calendar | WA | Washington Health Care Association (
AL/ESF: Calendar | WA | Washington Health Care Association (
Virtual Attendance
If you have questions or ideas for future forum trainings, contact Bett Schlemmer @ [email protected].