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Below are just a few of the benefits as part of becoming a WHCA member.


WHCA’s comprehensive educational programs provide ample opportunity for training and continuing education. Workshops, seminars, conferences and conventions are offered throughout the year at locations around the state. They address topics ranging from Quality Assurance to Marketing. All WHCA continuing education opportunities are accredited by the appropriate state regulatory agencies (DSHS, etc.).

Winter Conference

The WHCA Annual Winter Conference provides networking, education, and professional enrichment. We also focus on legislative priorities and spend time with elected officials. The program is designed for owners, administrators, and long term care nurses.

Annual Convention

In May, WHCA offers the finest long term care convention in Washington State. The convention events typically run three to five days in length. Specialized educational offerings, association business meetings, social events and networking opportunities are all hallmarks of our annual convention.

Fall Conference

This annual event, usually held in late September, is the fall general association meeting. It is an opportunity for various committees and the WHCA Board to plan strategies for the coming association year. Workshops and seminars are scheduled to coincide with this three or four day event.

Other Conferences and Educational Workshops/Seminars

WHCA offers a wide variety of pertinent and timely educational and conference style offerings throughout the year and around the state. These opportunities are generally based on response to WHCA member input and needs determination.

Legal & Regulatory Affairs

WHCA’s contract legal counsel is a full-time expert on the legal and regulatory problems/issues long term providers may encounter, and is always available to help members deal with those problems. While the WHCA legal staff is not a substitute for your own independent legal counsel, you may rely on professional advice from this source.

Members are kept up to date on new regulation-based issues and any developments concerning the legal process. Our regulatory affairs experts provide the viewpoint of long term care providers when new or different regulations are proposed, and ensures that the views of providers are heard and considered. When necessary, the activities of outside counsel are coordinated.

WHCA members are kept informed about legal and regulatory changes through updates and informative articles in association publications and on the Internet at this web site.

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