Step 1: Click here. Please ensure that you are logged out of the site before proceeding to step 2.
Step 2: If you have not already created a CEU account, you will need to create an account under ‘Sign Up.’ All fields must be completed in order to create an account. You will only need to create one account per person. If you move buildings or change email addresses, you can update that information in your account settings.
Step 3: Once you have created your account you will need to sign in using your username and password
Step 4: In the ‘New Certificate(s)’ section enter the CEU code from the event and then click the ‘Generate Certificate(s)’ button.
Step 5: Your certificate will now be available to print. Your account will store all certificates that you generate in the future. That means if you lose your paper certificate, move buildings, or need to print certificates from home you can just login to your account to access them.